
Le programme

Provisional program

  • Day 1: Institutional and methodological framework (Monday June 27, 2022).

This day will be devoted to welcoming the participants and to the presentation of the workshop. It will be an opportunity to make the institutional presentation of the different programs associated with its organization. The general methodological and legislative frameworks in which these days are situated will also be presented: open science, FAIR DATA, the presentation of major infrastructures that can accommodate geohistorical data (Humanum, Progedo, Quételet...) as well as the tool Digital Factory of the Past. A presentation of the week's program will also be offered.

  • Day 2: Field Operations (Tuesday, June 28, 2022)

This day will be devoted to fieldwork and data acquisition, starting with the abbey and the town of Solignac, then the districts of the Cité and the Saint-Etienne bridge in Limoges. Introductory visits of the different sites will be led by experts. Different data acquisition techniques and manipulation workshops will be deployed during the day.

  • Day 3: Data structuring and manipulation (Wednesday, June 29, 2022)

This day will be organized in workshops around the theme of data structuring and manipulation.

  • Day 4: Data analysis, formatting and dissemination (Thursday, June 30, 2022)

This day will continue the Wednesday's workshop by focusing more on the aspects of data analysis and the creation of an application allowing access to all the information gathered during the exercise.

  • Day 5: Data Repository (Friday, July 1, 2022)

This day will be organized around the issue of data repository using existing data warehouses and the Digital Factory of the Past (DFP) platform. A time will then be devoted to a debriefing (assessment, opinions, perspectives).


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