
From data to open access geohistorical platforms

This workshop will explore during an intensive week of practice and reflection different aspects related to geohistorical data and its working tools in the digital context of open science.

Ligoure Workshop

The Ligoure workshop is the second stage of the "From Data to Open Access Geohistorical Platforms" meetings and workshops. It is organized at the joint initiative of the TGIR Humanum Paris Time Machine (PTM) consortium, the "Fabrique Numérique du Passé" (FNP) project and the CRIHAM laboratory of the University of Limoges.

It is supported by the UMR ArScAn (ArchéoFab Program), the Groupe de Travail Systèmes de Peuplement dans le Temps Long (SPTL) of Labex Dynamite, the EHESS geomatics platform and the UMR 7266 LIttoral ENvironnement et Sociétés (LIENSs).

It will be held from June 27 to July 1, 2021, at the Château de Ligoure (Commune of Le Vigen, 17 km south of Limoges,


The event

The Ligoure workshop is a continuation of the one that took place from June 28 to July 2, 2021, at the Royaumont Abbey (Asnières-sur-Oise, Val d'Oise).

This first meeting was set up as part of the development of the open data platform Fabrique numérique du passé, around the processing chain and the opening of geohistorical data (


The event brought together about fifty participants from various research units and disciplines (geographers, archaeologists, historians, mathematicians, statisticians, geomaticians, planners) for a week of sharing and collective reflection around digital data (See the Royaumont workshop programm).

The week of Royaumont was articulated around four related themes that will be taken up through practical exercises during the workshop in Ligoure:

  1. Recovery of old data, gaps, representativeness of data: how to manage the imperfection of information?
  2. Categories, thesauri, ontologies and harmonization of objects over time.
  3. At the end of the chain, data paper, metadata, complementary data: how to effectively contextualize the deposited data?
  4. At the beginning of the chain, data acquisition/transformation: what impact on the online availability and future use of the database?



General principles of the Ligoure 2022 workshop

With this second workshop "From Data to Open Access Geohistorical Platforms", also known as the "Ligoure Workshop", an annual cycle of "meetings-workshops" on geohistory, its data and its working tools in the digital context of open science is being set up. For each of the themes mentioned above and following the life cycle of data from acquisition to dissemination, the objective of the workshops is to alternate two moments: the first consisting of presentations by experts, discussed in the form of seminars; the second organized in the form of workshops, ranging from feedback, to the sharing of knowledge, and even collective experimentation.

After the Royaumont edition, which allowed us to approach the theoretical aspects of the data life cycle, the Ligoure workshop is more practical, focusing on manipulations designed as collective learning moments.

The Ligoure workshop is also open to a different audience, since this time it is mainly aimed at researchers in the making (from the M2 level).

Workshop principles:

  • Focus the whole stay on the practice of tools and procedures.
  • Organize short conferences, in the evening, allowing to prepare the practical workshops of the following day, to place in the perspective of experiences the future uses and tools mobilized during workshops and to give place to debates, lasting 45 min. - 1 hour.
  • Address one major methodological principle per day.
  • Participate in long practical workshops around the data and projects of the participants in the afternoon or feedback during 3 hours.
  • Participate in evening workshops on the use of acquisition tools.
  • Leave room for a maximum of exchanges between activities. The time devoted to coffee and meal breaks will be long enough to encourage the building of links.



Content and logistics

The objective is to center the whole week around two sites (the abbey and the town of Solignac and the district of the Cité in Limoges) around which will be articulated practical approaches in the form of workshops of collection, modeling, dissemination and deposit of data. The aim is to carry out the entire data processing chain from field collection to its deposit in a FAIR warehouse.

This practical approach will be complemented by expert presentations, feedback and discussions in the form of research seminars. Parallel to these activities, visits to remarkable sites in the vicinity will be organized.

The number of participants is expected to be 20, selected on the basis of applications. A brief description of the current research project (1 page) is desirable, as well as the aspect of the project related to the questions (half a page). This description and this file will be deposited on the website of the workshop: or sent by e-mail to,,

All expenses on site are covered during the workshop. Only transportation to and from Limoges is to be paid by the applicant.

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